Tuesday, December 23, 2008
Savior of the World
Well I must admit... i am sad it is over, because i miss everyone, but i am happy cause i now have a life... it is pretty much the definition of bittersweet(: Anyway, i got a picture with all 300something members of the cast(: except for like 3... Yes. I am amazing... It was a great experience, and me and my mom had lots of fun(: Anyway it was super fun and i wouldn't ever go back in time and not do it. Sorry i have not blogged all that much.... nothing really to blog about... i think i will do one on christtmas break, but i have no pictures so far.. so i will have some good luck with thaat haha(: anyway. Ill post more soon(: bye.
Monday, December 8, 2008
Savior of the World
Well lately I have been doing this play called Savior of the World that is about Jesus Christ's birth and resurrection, and it has really brought the spirit into my life. It has also brought a lot of strife. Going to bed at 12 and waking up at 6 for seminary is not ideal for me, but somehow i just know i can get through it. It is such a fun time. Shows are this week on Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday, Saturday Matenee, and Saturday Evening. Hope someone who reads this can make it!! See me if you want more information.
Friends: Kory
Family: Lacey (she is pretty much family. Love you, Lace ;) )
Friends: Kory
Family: Lacey (she is pretty much family. Love you, Lace ;) )
Wednesday, November 26, 2008
haha well I go to Disneyland a lot like once every week, and this week was pretty amazing. I went with some pretty good friends and we had a lot of fun. Here are some pictures:
Haha well in case you wondered what the pins are, they are birthday pins. I was mike/oscar. John was Luke/Wayland, and Kory was Blick/Clide O.o i love how the 2nd names were all dorky ones(: Anyway it was a really good day(:
Haha well in case you wondered what the pins are, they are birthday pins. I was mike/oscar. John was Luke/Wayland, and Kory was Blick/Clide O.o i love how the 2nd names were all dorky ones(: Anyway it was a really good day(:
Wednesday, November 19, 2008
Okay. so me and my friend were having confersations and we were thinking about names we love and hate. Thought i would share some with you.
Maxwell/maxabillion :P
Joelle/Janelle (anything thatstarts with a "J" and ends with an "elle"
Pheobe/pheebee idk how to spell it... but eww
And some others. I TAG Monica, Angela, and Cassidy
Maxwell/maxabillion :P
Joelle/Janelle (anything thatstarts with a "J" and ends with an "elle"
Pheobe/pheebee idk how to spell it... but eww
And some others. I TAG Monica, Angela, and Cassidy
Homecoming Game '08
Good time. Me and my friend Brian were hangin and cleaning up for my party before, and we decided to go a bit crazy(: it was funn(: Hahah we lost. (naturally) but i think we only lost by like 24 so we did good! This is sad, i know. Well after the half time show we went to mimis with a huge group. It was really funny because we played a HUGE game of telephone and we actually did a pretty good job(: It was a fun day! Just an update on my past couple days. 2 parties at my house in like 4 days. It was pretty fun(: Onefor me and one for my sunday school class. Pretty much chilling and dancing and playing pool and guitarhero/ddr and such. It was fun. we had a good time. Anyway heres a pic from homecoming game:

Goooood day(:
Family: Daddy(:
Friends: Kory(:

Goooood day(:
Family: Daddy(:
Friends: Kory(:
Wednesday, October 22, 2008
Fourth File, Fourth Picture
My sister monica who is probabally one of the only consistant readers of this blog gave me this tag. Heres how it works.
I go to my pictures and click on the 4th file, then upload the 4th picture. Then explain what the picture is of. Here's my picture:

Well this is when mom and jordan went to israel. my dad went to south carolina. and i was stuck with whoever would take me in on the week of my birthday! can't say i was thrilled about it, but i made the best of it. Me, emily, ashlee, christian and the rest of the dweyers were gonna go to disneyland and skip school, but it rained, so we went to downtown disney in stead, don't ask why... cause i don't know. Anyway... we were in a sunglasses shop...and i found these. I mean... can't blame me for embarassing myself... i was with 2 girls, i have to do something to get attention. Anyway. It was a good night(: i liked it a lot. They gave me a good smile. and i look back on it and laugh every time i see it about the stupid things i do to get attention. Well thanks for the tag, monica(: I TAG: Angela, Kiery, and Abby.
I go to my pictures and click on the 4th file, then upload the 4th picture. Then explain what the picture is of. Here's my picture:

Well this is when mom and jordan went to israel. my dad went to south carolina. and i was stuck with whoever would take me in on the week of my birthday! can't say i was thrilled about it, but i made the best of it. Me, emily, ashlee, christian and the rest of the dweyers were gonna go to disneyland and skip school, but it rained, so we went to downtown disney in stead, don't ask why... cause i don't know. Anyway... we were in a sunglasses shop...and i found these. I mean... can't blame me for embarassing myself... i was with 2 girls, i have to do something to get attention. Anyway. It was a good night(: i liked it a lot. They gave me a good smile. and i look back on it and laugh every time i see it about the stupid things i do to get attention. Well thanks for the tag, monica(: I TAG: Angela, Kiery, and Abby.
Well I have been annoyed that I haven't been blogging as much as i used to. Can't really find the time. But this one is kind of important. Not really. But as you can see from the title, I got braces... AND MANNN ARE THEY ANNOYING. So far i have lost 4 brackets in 6 days. It is really sad. I think my orthodontist hates me(: i know i would. Anyway here are some pictures

Family: Mommy(:
Friends: Definately Ashlee(:
PS: Monica. I didn't forget about your tag. It is next on my priority list.

Family: Mommy(:
Friends: Definately Ashlee(:
PS: Monica. I didn't forget about your tag. It is next on my priority list.
Friday, October 17, 2008
Well i haven't been blogging much lately, so i kinda need to just sit down and write. Im doing alright in school lately. Social life is good. Love life could be better. Personal life is decent. Family life is good. And other than that im pretty good. life has been life lately... nothing interesting. i need to blog more im having lots of fun lately. And that's it(: Make my life interesting please! Call me! Cause i am pretty sure if you are reading this, then i love you ;)
Family: Angela
Friends: Emily
Family: Angela
Friends: Emily
Sunday, October 5, 2008
General Conference...
Saturday, October 4, 2008
Music I Wrote
Well... I have written a lot of music in my lifetime... It really doesn't mean anything now, but it is kinda cool. I actually decided to share most of it with everyone. I'll put a little story behind each of them...
~I Need You~ This is probabally the first song I wrote that I actually liked. It just sorta came to me. I like it a lot still. The full music is better than the lyrics though...
I’ve been searching for something like you my whole life
Never knowing you were right there with me through the strife
Seeing you and never thinking of what we could be
Thinking of the problems between you and me
I need you more than you could know
I need you so please don’t go
I need you right until the end
I need you to just me my friend
I’ve been thinking that you’re not worth all this pain
I know that even if we were it’s not much to gain.
I know you said that we were, but I don’t know it’s true
These words you’re saying make me not know what to do
But I need you than you could know
I need you so please don’t go
I need you right until the end
I need you just to be my friend
I know I’m going to miss you if you go
Which is why i’m saying I love you and that you know
I could never let you leave because I love you
I know the problems may seem bad but it’s nothing new
I’ll always need you more than you could know
I’ll need you so please don’t go
I’ll need you right until the end
I’ll need you just to be my friend
~Want You Back~ Well I don't really like this one... it doesn't mean anything and never meant anything... i was just writing it for the sake of writing it... I wrote it like 3 years ago... so when I rhyme bad and sad... please excuse me ;)
There you are that girl that used to be by my side
Now when you see me you go and hide
I want back what we had
I’m really not tryin’ to make you mad
Even when I want you bad
Always in the end I feel sad
And even though I want you back
Cause you complete all the things I lack
I want you to know what i’m feelin’ right now
I want you to tell me who what when and how
I need you to love me even when I don’t
I promise I’ll catch you when you know that I won’t
I’m sittin’ here thinking of you
Wanting you to love me too
Knowing that you don’t care
Knowing that it’s not fair
Thinking about what you said
Trying to get it through my head
That you don’t want me there
So I just stop and stare
Thinkin’ bout you wishin waitin need you by my side
But in the end I know that you won’t care if I died
Wish I could set my mind free
I’ll keep waitin’ stayin’ need you to come back to me
I’ll just keep sittin’ here
When my only pain is fear
I know you don’t love me too
I wish you could see me how I see you
~What I've Been Searchin' For~ Umm this one is alright... I like it a little bit... it is really repetitive, but I like that part about it... it actually did mean something... but not anymore...
I never believed in love at first sight, but then I saw you
You were there so unaware but I knew somehow you felt it too
That was long ago but those thoughts still linger
Now I need you here wrapped around my finger
I’ve been searchin’ for somebody to save me
Searchin’ for somebody like you
Searchin’ for an answer you gave me
Searchin’ for somethin’ to do
Searchin’ for the love that you showed me
Searchin’ for a sign from you
Searchin’ for the time that you owed me
Searchin’ for a sign that you knew
Searchin’ for a chance to tell you I love you
And now I know you’re what I’ve been searchin’ for
~The Hour I Thought we were In Love~ I don't really love this one... but i like some of the lyrics to it... it is not horrible, but it is not good....
I’ve loved you since I saw you for the first time
But when I am with you it feels like a crime
Every day that we’re together is better than a dream
When I see you with him I think I will scream
The hour I thought we were in love
I saw you like an angel straight from above
I know I can’t forget you
But I don’t know what to do
I know you’ll always be there for me
Even when our lives get stormy
I can’t stop the spell I’m under
‘cause I know you are my eighth world wonder
Whenever I see you with him my eyes burn
What did he do for your love to earn
I want so much for you to see
How much I want you to be with me
~Born to Love you~ Well this one is a bit crappy.. I like the message... but the lyrics aren't that good.
Is losing you really worth a friend
I don’t know if my heart will ever truly mend
The times we shared, I wish they could last
This is all happening way to fast
I was born to love you
Born to need you
Born to hold you in my arms
Born to want you
Born to see you
Born to make your heart warm
Now I see
We are meant to be.
~True Friend~ This one I wrote in like 6th grade because my sister entered a poetry contest with a poem about true friends. I didn't know what one was at that time. I know what one is right now, but have yet to find very many...
You can’t pretend
That someone’s your friend
Or that you care
For their hearts’ tear
If they are your true friend
They’ll stick by you until the end
A true friend is there for good
And always does what they should
If you want a true friend
Then be yourself and never bend
In your morals that are good
And always do what you should
You can’t pretend
That someone’s your friend
Cause that’s a mess
With no contest
~Forbidden Love~ This is like my ESP song... cause I wrote this, and then somehow it came to pass... It was at first inspired by my friend who felt his love was forbidden... but then it kinda pretained to me... it inspired me to continue writing. I don't think it is great, but I still like it. It doesn't mean anything anymore.
They say love’s the only thing
That matters in this life
If you could only spread your wings
And go straight through the strife
Listen to your hearts desire
And let love guide the way
Make sure that you conquer that fire
To love another day
If your love seems forbidden
Don’t ever give up hope
Even if they want you ridden
Hold fast to that rope
Make sure that you seize that chance
To follow your hearts romance
~When I'm With You~ I actually wrote this one today... I have sessions of writing and it normally just pops into my head... it is not that good, but it is about a friend that means a lot to me(: (just a friend)
I was blind but now I see
You were always there for me
I never thought you were there
But somehow you make it all seem fair
Cause when I am with you
I smile longer
I laugh harder
I see better
I know what is right in front of me
I you hadn’t been there I don’t know what I would do
You are my hero and I’m yours too
~The little things you do~ Well I really believe that it is the little things that people do that really reflect who they are and what they believe. Little things change my life. I wrote this one today. Same reason as the one before.
Just when I though I was lost
You see me for me and I know I’m found
You listened to what I had to say
You helped me know it was okay
Strangely I can trust you
And you can trust me too
You’re just my friend
But you made my heart mend
I don’t need anything between us
Just to know that you’re still there
All the time we share
It made life seem fair
It is just the little things you do
That makes me want you
Well some of these are more recent. Others wayy long ago. Mosd don't mean anything anymore. But they mean a lot to me still <3
Family: Emily and Ashlee
Friend: Daddy
~I Need You~ This is probabally the first song I wrote that I actually liked. It just sorta came to me. I like it a lot still. The full music is better than the lyrics though...
I’ve been searching for something like you my whole life
Never knowing you were right there with me through the strife
Seeing you and never thinking of what we could be
Thinking of the problems between you and me
I need you more than you could know
I need you so please don’t go
I need you right until the end
I need you to just me my friend
I’ve been thinking that you’re not worth all this pain
I know that even if we were it’s not much to gain.
I know you said that we were, but I don’t know it’s true
These words you’re saying make me not know what to do
But I need you than you could know
I need you so please don’t go
I need you right until the end
I need you just to be my friend
I know I’m going to miss you if you go
Which is why i’m saying I love you and that you know
I could never let you leave because I love you
I know the problems may seem bad but it’s nothing new
I’ll always need you more than you could know
I’ll need you so please don’t go
I’ll need you right until the end
I’ll need you just to be my friend
~Want You Back~ Well I don't really like this one... it doesn't mean anything and never meant anything... i was just writing it for the sake of writing it... I wrote it like 3 years ago... so when I rhyme bad and sad... please excuse me ;)
There you are that girl that used to be by my side
Now when you see me you go and hide
I want back what we had
I’m really not tryin’ to make you mad
Even when I want you bad
Always in the end I feel sad
And even though I want you back
Cause you complete all the things I lack
I want you to know what i’m feelin’ right now
I want you to tell me who what when and how
I need you to love me even when I don’t
I promise I’ll catch you when you know that I won’t
I’m sittin’ here thinking of you
Wanting you to love me too
Knowing that you don’t care
Knowing that it’s not fair
Thinking about what you said
Trying to get it through my head
That you don’t want me there
So I just stop and stare
Thinkin’ bout you wishin waitin need you by my side
But in the end I know that you won’t care if I died
Wish I could set my mind free
I’ll keep waitin’ stayin’ need you to come back to me
I’ll just keep sittin’ here
When my only pain is fear
I know you don’t love me too
I wish you could see me how I see you
~What I've Been Searchin' For~ Umm this one is alright... I like it a little bit... it is really repetitive, but I like that part about it... it actually did mean something... but not anymore...
I never believed in love at first sight, but then I saw you
You were there so unaware but I knew somehow you felt it too
That was long ago but those thoughts still linger
Now I need you here wrapped around my finger
I’ve been searchin’ for somebody to save me
Searchin’ for somebody like you
Searchin’ for an answer you gave me
Searchin’ for somethin’ to do
Searchin’ for the love that you showed me
Searchin’ for a sign from you
Searchin’ for the time that you owed me
Searchin’ for a sign that you knew
Searchin’ for a chance to tell you I love you
And now I know you’re what I’ve been searchin’ for
~The Hour I Thought we were In Love~ I don't really love this one... but i like some of the lyrics to it... it is not horrible, but it is not good....
I’ve loved you since I saw you for the first time
But when I am with you it feels like a crime
Every day that we’re together is better than a dream
When I see you with him I think I will scream
The hour I thought we were in love
I saw you like an angel straight from above
I know I can’t forget you
But I don’t know what to do
I know you’ll always be there for me
Even when our lives get stormy
I can’t stop the spell I’m under
‘cause I know you are my eighth world wonder
Whenever I see you with him my eyes burn
What did he do for your love to earn
I want so much for you to see
How much I want you to be with me
~Born to Love you~ Well this one is a bit crappy.. I like the message... but the lyrics aren't that good.
Is losing you really worth a friend
I don’t know if my heart will ever truly mend
The times we shared, I wish they could last
This is all happening way to fast
I was born to love you
Born to need you
Born to hold you in my arms
Born to want you
Born to see you
Born to make your heart warm
Now I see
We are meant to be.
~True Friend~ This one I wrote in like 6th grade because my sister entered a poetry contest with a poem about true friends. I didn't know what one was at that time. I know what one is right now, but have yet to find very many...
You can’t pretend
That someone’s your friend
Or that you care
For their hearts’ tear
If they are your true friend
They’ll stick by you until the end
A true friend is there for good
And always does what they should
If you want a true friend
Then be yourself and never bend
In your morals that are good
And always do what you should
You can’t pretend
That someone’s your friend
Cause that’s a mess
With no contest
~Forbidden Love~ This is like my ESP song... cause I wrote this, and then somehow it came to pass... It was at first inspired by my friend who felt his love was forbidden... but then it kinda pretained to me... it inspired me to continue writing. I don't think it is great, but I still like it. It doesn't mean anything anymore.
They say love’s the only thing
That matters in this life
If you could only spread your wings
And go straight through the strife
Listen to your hearts desire
And let love guide the way
Make sure that you conquer that fire
To love another day
If your love seems forbidden
Don’t ever give up hope
Even if they want you ridden
Hold fast to that rope
Make sure that you seize that chance
To follow your hearts romance
~When I'm With You~ I actually wrote this one today... I have sessions of writing and it normally just pops into my head... it is not that good, but it is about a friend that means a lot to me(: (just a friend)
I was blind but now I see
You were always there for me
I never thought you were there
But somehow you make it all seem fair
Cause when I am with you
I smile longer
I laugh harder
I see better
I know what is right in front of me
I you hadn’t been there I don’t know what I would do
You are my hero and I’m yours too
~The little things you do~ Well I really believe that it is the little things that people do that really reflect who they are and what they believe. Little things change my life. I wrote this one today. Same reason as the one before.
Just when I though I was lost
You see me for me and I know I’m found
You listened to what I had to say
You helped me know it was okay
Strangely I can trust you
And you can trust me too
You’re just my friend
But you made my heart mend
I don’t need anything between us
Just to know that you’re still there
All the time we share
It made life seem fair
It is just the little things you do
That makes me want you
Well some of these are more recent. Others wayy long ago. Mosd don't mean anything anymore. But they mean a lot to me still <3
Family: Emily and Ashlee
Friend: Daddy
short post.
Well i went babysitting today... fun time... i now have 401 dollars(: it makes me happy good night everyone <3
Family that made my day: Daddy
Friend that made my day: Cierra
Family that made my day: Daddy
Friend that made my day: Cierra
Thursday, October 2, 2008
Just another post...
Well I have decided that I am going to do this new thing where at the end of every post, i will put someone who made my day from my family and someone who made my say from my friends for that day. It will be fun(: So that is what it means.
But yeah. Lately life has been a whole lot better. Not saying that it wasn't good before, but it is getting even better(: it is a lot of fun. I am not gonna put too much on here so good night!
Family: Mommy
Friend: Melanie
But yeah. Lately life has been a whole lot better. Not saying that it wasn't good before, but it is getting even better(: it is a lot of fun. I am not gonna put too much on here so good night!
Family: Mommy
Friend: Melanie
Wednesday, October 1, 2008
Asking people to dances.
Well this is a Tag i created.
With homecoming coming up at my school, this has been a popular discussion topic. Who are you going with? How did they ask you? And all that jazz. Well i have had some interesting conversations with people about how they got asked, and I find it pretty cool, so I wanted to see if you guys had anymore... So fill the page with as many as you want. (i put 3)
1. Take all the stuff out of a pumpkin and fill it with flowers and carve in: will you go to Insert dance name here with me, pumpkin?
2. Deliver a chunk of ice in the shape of a heart with a note that you can't read until the ice melts. Then, when they read it, it will say: Now that you have melted my heart, will you go to insert dance name here with me?
3. Get a bunch of balloons and put a note in one of them. Fill the room with balloons. And tell the person to pop them all to find the note... this is more fun than it is romantic and what-not.
I TAG: Angela, Kiery, Monica, and everyone else that wants to do it.
With homecoming coming up at my school, this has been a popular discussion topic. Who are you going with? How did they ask you? And all that jazz. Well i have had some interesting conversations with people about how they got asked, and I find it pretty cool, so I wanted to see if you guys had anymore... So fill the page with as many as you want. (i put 3)
1. Take all the stuff out of a pumpkin and fill it with flowers and carve in: will you go to Insert dance name here with me, pumpkin?
2. Deliver a chunk of ice in the shape of a heart with a note that you can't read until the ice melts. Then, when they read it, it will say: Now that you have melted my heart, will you go to insert dance name here with me?
3. Get a bunch of balloons and put a note in one of them. Fill the room with balloons. And tell the person to pop them all to find the note... this is more fun than it is romantic and what-not.
I TAG: Angela, Kiery, Monica, and everyone else that wants to do it.
Sunday, September 28, 2008
4 Things
Well I was tagged by my sister(: and I think I will enjoy this.
4 things I am passionate about
The Gospel of Jesus Christ
Serving others
4 books I've read & enjoyed
Book of Mormon
Harry Potter Books
Doctrine and Covenants
4 words/phrases I say often
Wow... You're such a dork(:
Your hair looks pretty.
I love you.
I'm Sorry.
4 things I want to do before I die
Get Married in the temple
Go on a mission
Have children and see them married in the temple
Laugh so hard that milk comes out my nose.
4 things I've learned over the past
Always be the better person
Everyone deserves a second chance, but not everyone deserves a 15th
It is the little things that people do that make you the happiest.
Friends come and go, but family is what truly matters.
4 places I want to see.
New York
The Sacred Grove
4 things I currently want/need
A good friend that will last a life time
Someone who really cares about me
More faith.
Cell phone.
I TAG: Angela, Kiery, Glenda, and Nick.
4 things I am passionate about
The Gospel of Jesus Christ
Serving others
4 books I've read & enjoyed
Book of Mormon
Harry Potter Books
Doctrine and Covenants
4 words/phrases I say often
Wow... You're such a dork(:
Your hair looks pretty.
I love you.
I'm Sorry.
4 things I want to do before I die
Get Married in the temple
Go on a mission
Have children and see them married in the temple
Laugh so hard that milk comes out my nose.
4 things I've learned over the past
Always be the better person
Everyone deserves a second chance, but not everyone deserves a 15th
It is the little things that people do that make you the happiest.
Friends come and go, but family is what truly matters.
4 places I want to see.
New York
The Sacred Grove
4 things I currently want/need
A good friend that will last a life time
Someone who really cares about me
More faith.
Cell phone.
I TAG: Angela, Kiery, Glenda, and Nick.
Thursday, September 25, 2008
Well... it is 4:24 AM and I really have nothing else to do. I woke up to bake cookies for my friends birthday, so that they could be warm when I give them to them. Now I am kinda thinking that wasn't the best idea, because my body is catching up with me. hhaha. I learned how to play a couple songs on the piano yesterday. They aren't perfected, but it is pretty cool. I am really tired... did i mention that one yet? Well... I am. There is a mysterious breathing noise coming from my brothers room... and it is really starting to creep me out. The cookies have like 1 minute more. It was dumb. They were all crumbly, so you had to like work them for like 5 minutes to get them to stay in a ball... but they are pretty good. I also got her a jacket and a necklace... wow... like anyone would really care... This is just a way to pass by time so that the cookies seem to cook faster. I know! I will take pictures so I don't have to explain it!

Wednesday, September 24, 2008
Well things have been going alright for me lately. Of course there is always the teenage drama. Guys don't get it as much as girls, but every once in a while I do. School has been going pretty well. I have 1 easy day (wednesday/friday) when I have PE, Spanish II, and Health, and 1 hard day (tuesday/thursday) when I have biology, geometry, and english. It is cool cause sometimes I just really don't feel like going to school, but I know I have my easy day, so it's alright. I am loving seminary, fridays are a blast, and scripture mastery is really easy. I have all pretty easy classes, so school is a breeze. Weekends have been fun. Life with the family is pretty good. I have time to write a blog every day, so that tells you how much free time I have. I am really having fun in my bio class because I learn a lot, and it is pretty easy. Life has been pretty fun lately. Dealing with problems sucks, though. I have noticed that I always decide to tell someone random what I am going through. I am having a pretty good time in school though. I have a lot of olderfriends because the mormons just kind of stick together. I am making cookies for my friend's birthday tomorrow. It is gonna be cool. But overall, I am doing pretty good. The lame stuff every now and again, but overall good. I am making a lot of cool friends, and having a lot of fun on the weekends. I kinda miss my old neighborhood friends. I go outisde and play with them haha(: Well, yeah. life is going good. It would be better if i was talking to you right now. haha bye!!
Tuesday, September 23, 2008
My Hero's
This is a work in progress, and took me forever. But here is a collection of my hero's in my life. One bad picture and one good one, showing that sometimes they are ugly, sometimes they are amazing, but they are still my hero's just the same. I LOVE YOU GUYS!!!
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