Tuesday, December 23, 2008

Savior of the World

Well I must admit... i am sad it is over, because i miss everyone, but i am happy cause i now have a life... it is pretty much the definition of bittersweet(: Anyway, i got a picture with all 300something members of the cast(: except for like 3... Yes. I am amazing... It was a great experience, and me and my mom had lots of fun(: Anyway it was super fun and i wouldn't ever go back in time and not do it. Sorry i have not blogged all that much.... nothing really to blog about... i think i will do one on christtmas break, but i have no pictures so far.. so i will have some good luck with thaat haha(: anyway. Ill post more soon(: bye.


Monica said...

why don'y you post some of your pictures if you have 300!

Whenen said...

Wow I didn't know Tanner had a blog