Thursday, September 25, 2008

Well... it is 4:24 AM and I really have nothing else to do. I woke up to bake cookies for my friends birthday, so that they could be warm when I give them to them. Now I am kinda thinking that wasn't the best idea, because my body is catching up with me. hhaha. I learned how to play a couple songs on the piano yesterday. They aren't perfected, but it is pretty cool. I am really tired... did i mention that one yet? Well... I am. There is a mysterious breathing noise coming from my brothers room... and it is really starting to creep me out. The cookies have like 1 minute more. It was dumb. They were all crumbly, so you had to like work them for like 5 minutes to get them to stay in a ball... but they are pretty good. I also got her a jacket and a necklace... wow... like anyone would really care... This is just a way to pass by time so that the cookies seem to cook faster. I know! I will take pictures so I don't have to explain it!



Monica said...

So much for the Arch Rival game box. Those cookies look good. Did you clean up your mess in all of your bordum?

Tanner Montierth said...

haha yeah(: