Hahaha it has been a while since I have actually used my blog, but something made me think of it. So during Sunday school I got this yummy piece of gum, and then when I was laying down at home, i tried to spit it out and catch it in my mouth... yeah... umm.... it didn't work out all that way, so it go stuck in my hair. It sorta hurt... but it was really funny. I thought I was gonna have to cut it out, but when I started screaming to my mom about it, she said to go get some peanut butter...
So I went downstairs and grabbed a jar of peanut butter and waited for my mom to get out of bed. Ironic enough, I had been thinking of PP&J about 2 minutes before. So my mom took the peanut butter and worked it into my hair. Apparently the oil from the peanut butter makes the gum not sticky... it took like 10 minutes, but I actually got it out. But in the process, my mom pulled out a rather large chunk of hair hahahaha(:
Here's some pictures :D

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