The Before Background on the tripJust recently most all of my family came down to California for Jordan's Mission Farewell. The farewell was really great. Jordan gave a really good talk, along with a high consul member, brother Marsh. The young men, young women, and I sung, I'll go where you want me to go, and the meeting was over. It was lots of fun. The next day, all the girls went shopping, and the boys except for me because I had to watch marrett and matthew went and played tennis. Around 12:00 I had a friend named Dexi that just recently moved to California come over. Me, her, Sadaf, and Adam went and played volleyball down at the Kite Hill Recreation Center. After that, Adam left for Marching Band, and me, Sadaf, and Dexi went back to my house and invited a friend over, then we played Mario Party. Afterwards, me, Dexi, and Rachel jumped in our pool. We then jumped over our wall and walked Rachel home, Came back, and stopped by our neighbors tree house. I gave Dexi a boost up, and she fell through it. We then went back to my house, and Dexi called her friend for her birthday.

And me and Matthew had some fun playing with each other while she was on the phone. After that, Cesar took me and Dexi to In'n'Out and we got some food. And had quite the adventure with Ketchup... Afterwards, we got a call from Sadaf asking if we wanted to go to the Kite Hill Pool. Me, her, and Dexi went down to the pool, and came back up. We ate some pizza, and Matthew gave Angela's friend Chantelle quite a scare when he dropped her phone in the toilet and broke it. After that little incident, we went to WalMart and got a Red Box movie and then over to Yogurtland and then took Dexi home. Watched the movie, and went to bed.
Day 1 Driving and Settling inOn the first day, we woke up, and had a filling breakfast. Afterwards, we got on the road. Me, Monica, Matthew, and Dad in one car, Mom, Mark, Jordan, Marrett, and Lacey in the other. Mom's car was ahead most of the way. We had to stop a couple times for matthew to have a potty break, and we stopped at In'n'Out for some food. When we found that we were far behind, be started going above the speed limit. I bet you can guess what happened next...

Yup, we got a ticket. They caught us at 91, but they took 10 off and we got 81. We all took it pretty well... and after driving for a couple more hours, we made it to the house we were staying at. We checked out the house, and found it very nice. We then went to Dinner at Black Bear Diner and all got some really great food. We came back,and went in the pool at the house. After, we went inside and watched a new movie that Dad gave Matthew, the Tale of Desperaux. I went into the other room, and threw up, and then fell asleep. Matthew was the only one that stayed awake while we watched the movie. I woke up about 3 in the morning and retired to my real bed in stead of the couch.
Day 2 Jet Ski Day

On Day 2, me, and Matthew made a Fort, and we played tons of Ping-Pong. We set off at around 12:00 after having a nice breakfast for the Lake. We rented some Jet Ski's, and went to a local beach. We played in the water, and went out on the jet ski's. First, Jordan and Mark went, and then Jordan and I, and Monica and Matthew. Me and Lacey then went out, and then it was lunch time. Mom ran and picked up Arby's. We finished and then me and Dad went out on the lake on the Jet Ski's. We came in, played in the water some more, and turned in for the day.

I took some nice pictures on the way back from the lake. We played Marco Polo in the Pool for about 4 hours when we got back, and we came back inside and turned in for the night. By early that day, my iPod was lost.
Day 3 Disastrous, yet the best, Boat DayThe third day, I have to say, was the best day. I woke up with a TERRIBLE hair day, and it made me laugh :)

The only problem with the day was that Jordan was grumpy for the first few hours. We had a really great breakfast, and then went to go rent a boat. The boat people were crazy. They took pictures of the boat before we used it to make sure we didn't put a single scratch on it.

Me and Lace were on the tube, and Ang, Ces, Monica, and Mark were on the Jet Ski's. We headed over to Copper Canyon and jumped off rocks for a while. Me, Ces, Mark, Jordan, Lacey, Monica, and even finally Angela jumped off the rocks. I took Matthew out for a "super slow" Jet ski ride for "5 minutes." In other words a fun Jet Ski ride for "how ever Matthew wanted" which was actually until I got bored(: After that we started wake boarding. I was riding on the Jet ski's around the boat, and Mom and Dad were on the other one. All of the sudden mom and dad pulled up to the boat, talked for a while and were on their way somewhere far away. I asked what was going on and Monica just pointed at them and Mouthed "follow them." I followed them, (I think my fastest speed following and going faster than them was 56 miles per hour.)I had a few minor problems with my ski that I didn't really tell anyone about, and I got a really sick like 5 foot jump that nobody saw, sadly. After about 30 minutes of Jet Ski riding, we reached a dock. I still didn't really know what we were doing, but after a while, my dad left, and my mom met up with me outside of the no wake zone and told me that Dad was going to get food, and then bringing it over to where we were most of the day yesterday. We were supposed to find the others and tell them that we were going to meet up there. On the way, I began to have some really weird troubles. My jet ski would start going really fast, and then stop working. After a while, it wouldn't even go 5 miles an hour, and then it finally died on me. I beached my ski on a beach that we were right next to that was abandoned except for 2 drunk people and their 2 kids. Mom went on to try to reach the nearest marina so that she could get gas and bring some back to me. As I came up on shore I pushed my ski up onto shore without any help or acknowledgment from the random family. After sitting there for about 10 minutes, the drunk guy asked if his son could stand on it. Random question, but I told him to go for it. Then the drunk people left, and I remembered that I hadn't reapplied sunblock in a long time, so I curled up into a ball and tried to stay away from the sun in the water. I was alone on a beach for 2 hours, and randomly heard what I thought was my brother's voice. Little did I know, it was a local boat Sheriff, who came to rescue me. He tied up my ski to his boat and toed me. He asked me some questions, I thought I was going to get a ticket for underage operation of a jet ski, but nothing happened. He told me that they found my mom just about a mile away also on a beach. She had also ran out of gas. They found her about 30 minutes after I had beached. They asked me how long I thought I had been sitting there and I said about an hour. They said I had been there for at least 2 hours. At that point, I began to get a bit annoyed. They then told me the rest of the story about how after finding my mom, they located my dad, and had him go for gas. After finding him about an hour after locating my mom, they went searching for me. After they dropped me off on a beach, my dad and mom were waiting for me and it seemed all would fall into place. WRONG. My dad put about 1/4 - 1/3 gallon of gas into the oil tank of our jet ski's, so it was messed up and we couldn't drive. In desperation, I found that there was pizza in the trunk of the car. I ran across the hot gravel (it was 120 degrees farenheight outside) to get the pizza, and found that it was mushroom. I mean, could the day get any worse? hahaha After that, We found someone to give us our phone and after about 10 minutes of calling, finally got ahold of someone, and had them come to the dock. At that point, we had about an hour left with the boat, so me and ang went for a "Wild Ride" on the tube.

Then Matthew, Ang, and I went for a "Matthew Ride" and Jordan went wakeboarding. After, Me and Ang went for a 5 minute "Death Ride." We came in, and returned the boat, and went home. On the way home, me and Matthew swapped hats. After, we went in the pool, and had some nice desserts, like Ding-dongs, and Ice Cream Cake. We then watched the Tale of Desperaux again cause nobody really watched it the first time, and then we went to sleep.
Day 4 The Day we go homeOn day 4, we went in the pool all of the morning, and took some nice pictures.

After, we had a good breakfast at Black Bear Diner. Me and Jordan shared the strawberry pancakes, Lacey got the French Dip, Matt and Marrett shared a pancake, Monica got a steak and Mark got all you can eat fish. Mom got fish, and Dad got pancakes, Ang got a turkey club, and Ces got a Ruben Club. Breakfast was really good. We then went and rented movies for the car ride home. Lacey picked Hannah Montanna, and Princess protection program...

Enough said. But it was fun. We had a good ride home, and all got home safe.
EndingTime After TimeWell I am super glad we took the trip. Time after time, family trips are crazy, time after time, family trips are fun, but most importantly, Time after time, family trip makes memories, and this is one I won't forget. I hope we can have another time where the family is all together again. I love all you guys <3
Time for the Heroes :)Family: Monica and Jordan
Friend: Dexi and Adam
Sorry, had to choose two, the past little while has just been filled with my heroes(: