Well as of last week I am offically done with my school musical, Little Shop of Horrors. It was honestly one of the best theater experiences I have ever had because the whole cast was just so talented and I honestly felt like a weak link among them. It was really fun. Rehearsals were intense, though because we had them for 4 hours every day for 3 months and for the last month 6 hours (3-9). Overall i am glad I did it. I played an old Jewish fat man so I had a fat suit and grey hair and it was fun to try to better my acting by playing a role I am not used to. I made so many good friends and loved the experience so much. I look forward to more Aliso Shows in the future.

The show was really great. The cast party was pretty fun too. I have been having a lot of free time on my hands so I have been passing the time by hanging out a lot with Lacey, Dexi, Claire, and other good friends of mine. Haha lately I have been very clutzy so I am going to make a list of the stupid things I have done with my friends that bring me joy.
1) Was chasing a bubble and maulled a little boy because it was going higher and I jumped on him
2) Froze an egg.
3) Left that egg out on the counter
4) Threw the egg over the wall in my backyard to dispose of it so it wouldn't smell up the house. And accidently hit a passing car with it.
5) Accidently punched Dexi in the face
6) Dexi said it was a fun game to make eye contact with random people. So I did at a girl who then threw her drink at the window of the burger king we were sitting in. The girl then sicked her boyfriend on me.
7) Tried to shoot water through my tooth at Dexi but hit a random girl at the dance who then later rejected my offer to slow dance with her. I wonder why O.o
8) That's all I can think of :) but times sure are fun.
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