Thursday, May 13, 2010
My 15th Birthday :)
Wow. What a day, what a day. I am so grateful I have so many great friends who care about me and do all that they can to make me feel special. So today I woke up and went to seminary and nobody really remembered in 0 period seminary until the end. Then I went to normal and got some delicious cookies and a beautiful card from Mckenna Myer, and some other delicious cookies from Haley Christensen and Chandler Hoffman. Seminary was a good lesson about christs love for children and having the spirit as our constant companion. After seminary, I got a ride to school en el carro del DelRosario with Brian, Dexi, Claire, and Kory. I then got to school and saw Chelsea Sutter who gave me a hug and told me happy birthday. Then me and Dexi went to go get food and Jasmine Myer, Lily Myer, Tristen Ford, and the still unknown character named merve, gave me a huge card, a watermelon, and a stuffed bear with candy. Then Andrea Hardwick gave me a huge card with some yummy chocolate. Then Marisol gave me a can of tomato sauce. I was rather confused until I noticed the tape on the label. Still somewhat confused, I peeled the label back and found 20$ under the label. Honestly the best way to wrap money that I have ever seen. Me and Dex sat down and she decided she wanted more food, so I went to get her more so that the lunch lady wouldn't judge her... Her ketchup ended up being salsa to her surprise, but she liked it. After that, I went to my class and took my STAR test. Boring. Science was pretty easy other than the stuff I was suppposed to learn this semester that I didn't due to lack of learning... Then it was lunch. I ate with Dexi, Brandon, and his friends. It was fun. After lunch during passing period we enjoyed giving pretzeels to random people to see if they would eat them. iBy the time we got to the reading portion of the test, I was really over it, so I just made some zig zag lines for the first half and did the language half. After that, we played Mow in class with Mr. Harney who totally got into it. The rules were: Every time you played the same card you had to say thank you very much, and add a very for triples and quadrouples. Every time a multiple of 2 was played you had to cough, every time a club was played you had to say snoopy, every time a royal was played you had to say Hail, and every time a 5 was played you got another turn. Those were the rules in addition to the no talking, 10's skips, 4's reverses, and say spade when you play a spade, and say mow when you have 1 and 0 cards. Fun game. I won once, which was pretty cool. After school, Me, Dexi, Claire, Brandon, Taylor, Marissa, Karina, and im sure some other people walked to the church. Sister Johnson gave me and Dexi a ride to her house so we could drop off our stuff and go get Dexi her job application. Unfortunately, we got caught up and didn't ever leave. We ate the watermelon which was delicious, and we listened to music and tried to get music on Dexi's ipod which she wiped the memory on. We got a call from Mom and she said we were going to dinner, so we left and went to claim jumpers. SUPER GOOD, of course. Jeremy and I got Chicken Tenders, Monica got ribs, Dad got fish and chips, Dexi got a BBQ chicken salad, and mom got some other type of salad. We got a brownie finale and a mint mud pie for dessert. Amongst the food, I got a gift from Mom and Dad which was 3 Piano books that I really love and a cool thing that I can use for piano lessons. I also got a gift from Angela which was a piano book with a beautiful song that i want to learn soon. We left, and didn't see a movie like I had wanted. When I got home, I found two cards sitting on my doorstep. It said IOU one trip to disneyland love Lace and Ash. So I am super excited for that. Along with the trip to disneyland, it also said that there was a surprise waiting for me at my neighbors house. i am still unsure as to how they got my neighbor to take it, but it happened. I went over there, and there was a super good cold stone cake sitting there. After that, we took Dexi home. Morgan Williams came over and we had fun talking. Mid conversation we heard the doorbell ring, so we went outside to find a beautiful basket with balloons and presents as Sister Lewis ran away from the doorstep screaming "YOU CAN'T SEE ME!" Definately the most thoughtful and hilarious gift i could have asked for. Claire and her family honestly made my birthday my best birthday ever. Afterwards, me and morgan kept talking, and she left cause she had an AP Spanish V test the next day. I then came upstairs and went on facebook to find that there were almost 100 birthday wishes waiting for me on my wall. It was honestly one of the best days ever. Here are some pictures of the nice things I recieved from my great friends :)

Wednesday, May 12, 2010
Little Shop of Horrors and Lately :)

Well as of last week I am offically done with my school musical, Little Shop of Horrors. It was honestly one of the best theater experiences I have ever had because the whole cast was just so talented and I honestly felt like a weak link among them. It was really fun. Rehearsals were intense, though because we had them for 4 hours every day for 3 months and for the last month 6 hours (3-9). Overall i am glad I did it. I played an old Jewish fat man so I had a fat suit and grey hair and it was fun to try to better my acting by playing a role I am not used to. I made so many good friends and loved the experience so much. I look forward to more Aliso Shows in the future.

The show was really great. The cast party was pretty fun too. I have been having a lot of free time on my hands so I have been passing the time by hanging out a lot with Lacey, Dexi, Claire, and other good friends of mine. Haha lately I have been very clutzy so I am going to make a list of the stupid things I have done with my friends that bring me joy.
1) Was chasing a bubble and maulled a little boy because it was going higher and I jumped on him
2) Froze an egg.
3) Left that egg out on the counter
4) Threw the egg over the wall in my backyard to dispose of it so it wouldn't smell up the house. And accidently hit a passing car with it.
5) Accidently punched Dexi in the face
6) Dexi said it was a fun game to make eye contact with random people. So I did at a girl who then threw her drink at the window of the burger king we were sitting in. The girl then sicked her boyfriend on me.
7) Tried to shoot water through my tooth at Dexi but hit a random girl at the dance who then later rejected my offer to slow dance with her. I wonder why O.o
8) That's all I can think of :) but times sure are fun.
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