SUMMMMMMMER just started and it has been great so far. I got all A's this semester in my 8 classes and all a's last semester in my 7 classes. I have no regrets from the school year and that makes me happy. I am loving summer. Yesterday we had a young mens/young womens super activity where we wakeboarded at lake elsanor. The night before we slept over at turners house and the girls slept over at the terry's. Me and the people in my room (Brandon Shamsabadi, Landon Ashdown, Wyatt Turner, and David Gantz) played the board game called risk that i learned how to play this week and have played 10 times since. It's like a 5 hour board game, but it's sooooo fun. Turner stopped our game half way through though at about 1:00 and it bugged. An hour later I woke up and wanted to TP the girls but there was no way to get there so we tped the turners house. it was super funny because everyone blamed it on the girls. We got back in the house and started playing risk again. Landen was first out, and he was on Brandon's team, but Wyatt wasn't doing great and was teamed up with me. David was asleep. Wyatt just quit and went to sleep, so then Landen teamed up with Brandon to beat me, and Brandon won, so I consider it a Tanner Montierth victory. We didn't sleep a wink, and got up at 5:00 to make breakfast. We headed out on the lake. Me, Dexi, Brandon, and Nick were in Bishop Shreeves car. It was a fun ride up. We listened to some of Bishops sucky music and had fun in the car talking. When we got on the lake, it was cold, so me dex and brandon stayed behind while everyone went on the boats. We got on a boat later that day. It was me, Bishop Shreeve, Nick, Brandon, Dexi, and Rachel Manwaring. Bishop and Nick did pretty good. Nick just got up and maneuvered around a bit. Bishop was the best. The boots in the board were SUPER SMALL and i had to spend 10 minutes trying to get them on. I got up like 6 times but couldn't really jump well. Brandon couldn't get up at all. Rachel took a while but got up. Dexi didn't try because she didn't want to or something. We got back and had food and played in the water. Later we went back on the boat with Kelsi Johnson Dexi Brandon Landon and Bishop. It was fun. Kelsi and Bishop were the only people that went. It was fun. Kelsi was really good. She cleared the wake a lot of times. Bishop cleared it too the second time. Claire Lewis convinced me, Dexi, and Brian to put lemons in our hair with her to see if it actually turned your hair blonder. It sorta worked for me but not really. Everyone else it did almost nothing. It was really a fun experience though. I planned on cutting my hair the next day anyways so it wasn't a big deal if it worked super well. After we swam and had tons of more fun we went home. I got home and hung out with Angela reid and sadaf seyf because Angela moved away and is home for the weekend. We played monopoly. I won, it was a short game. There were some changes on Sunday. Long story short, Todd Keller is the new bishop of the Wood Canyon ward... Loving life. Can't wait for the rest of it :)

Friends: Dexibo
Family: Mommy